2016年11月2日 — ... ASCII Art Generator. I used it to create this snazzy banner that is displayed each time I log in via SSH. ssh-motd-banner-custom-ascii-art.
How to creat colored MOTD using linux update-motd · 1. Create your ascii art · 2. Add ANSI color codes with plain normal characters · 3. Try it out in your ...
Use this 'Figlet' web-interface to create ASCII text banners* in a variety of typefaces. (* banners with letters composed out of smaller ASCII characters).
FIGlet is a computer program that generates text banners, in a variety of typefaces, composed of letters made up of conglomerations of smaller ASCII characters.
2022年5月20日 — Just assume part of the ASCII-art chars have been made invisible, whereas if you would in-hide them all it would look (more or less) like so ...